As a kid I was embarrassed to admit I was a witnesses. and i felt guilty because I was an adult, I mention it only if it is part of the conversation, or for anti-witnessing purposes.
Ditto that. Except my name isn't Lisa.
when i was active, i was always (usually) proud to talk about being a jw, our faith, reasons for our stupid beliefs on birthdays, x-mas, etc.
now with everything i'm going through, given how much of an impact this is to my life, i want to talk to others about it, like coworkers, and other friends.
but thinking about how i would explain how it's a mind-controlling cult, i feel stupid for falling for it.
As a kid I was embarrassed to admit I was a witnesses. and i felt guilty because I was an adult, I mention it only if it is part of the conversation, or for anti-witnessing purposes.
Ditto that. Except my name isn't Lisa.
hi everyone, i'm not new here just haven't posted in a while.
for those who remember me i'm graduating from college on wednesday!!!!
i'm very happy but there's still a dark cloud (pardon the dramatic-ness) i am still with my non-jw boyfriend of almost three years and i've let my parents know that we want to get married (next month) and they went and told the elders(they did it kinda behind my back) who now want to meet and talk with me!
Sounds like you are walking into thier witch hunt. That line you mentioned they said about pornei having a wide range is indicative of thier mindset. Even if you didn't knock boots, they will still want to know if fiance' went to second base or whatever else gets them off. Whatever the case, I agree that you don't owe anyone an explanation. I'd get real busy real quick. I'm not feeling thier love right now only the desire to control who you marry and what you do with that person.
-- NOT Feeling it
i just spoke with my dad after he returned from an elders meeting.
the co did say that elders would have to step down from their positions if they supported their child getting an education.
the reasoning behind this is that an elder is encouraging their children to attend college, they would not be able to counsel the rank and file on the issue.
This is all highly illogical. I have a family member at Patterson. He and his wife just completed thier degrees from a correspondence school without repercussions. I'm pretty sure they did that in case the hammer of god (layoff) hits them.
1. bethel in ny suspect high level apostate, cant identify it but know its there.
2. major organizational changes about to start rolling out, one is changes to the "service committee" and titles, po to be done away with, thats all i know for now.
was told that if you are the sort of person that cant handle changes, you wont stay in the org for long.
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on? Is there a space odditity about?
1. bethel in ny suspect high level apostate, cant identify it but know its there.
2. major organizational changes about to start rolling out, one is changes to the "service committee" and titles, po to be done away with, thats all i know for now.
was told that if you are the sort of person that cant handle changes, you wont stay in the org for long.
1. CO's are going for sure. Responsible elders will be assigned a congregation to serve a Friday to Sunday.
I think this would be good. The fewer institutionalized JWs there are is all the better. Too many out-of-touch COs and DOs promote the rampant, trickle-down, extremism that drove me away. The local BOE pick up on this and often expect it from the congregation. Even Paul, obnoxious as he was, had to hold down a job. I think it'd be good for them to get back into the real world.
i have been faded for a long time now and of course my immediate family are in "intervention mode".
the latest c.o.
visit in my moms cong stressed the fact that "the end is sooooooooooooooooo close now" - we must do everything for jehovah and his organization before its too late.
And even if Armageddon comes someday, it will not come in our day, not in this generation.’
Awesomest anti-quote EvaaAaAAARRRRrrrrr! The end is not nigh and the WT told me so.
seriously this dude could put a glass eyeball to sleep .
I was shocked by his huge bouffant hair. I don't recall his suit, but his bright blue suede shoes stood out.
GL == Elvis?
if so, how often.. do you still attend the memorial?.
i never go, ever, and haven't been to a memorial in about 6 years (been too long to accurately remember) - i'm too far gone.
I go when the family comes to town to keep the peace. Family visits about twice a year.
We are coming.
Is this like the folks who arrange flash mobs?
Try to avoid coming while so many of us are still at work.
i couldn't find my earlier post, so .... here i am wearing my t-shirt:.
get yours today!.
Nice work. I take it you do your own graphics. I used to do quite a lot in the graphic arts. I still dabble every now and again but my new PC doesn't have Photoshop or Illustrator. I used to have cracked versions but that is a bad plan when you work for a software company.